Aseptika are pleased to welcome Molly Hardy to the team

2 September 2022
Aseptika are pleased to welcome Molly Hardy to the team

Molly is a recent graduate of Computer Game Design Technology at Anglia Ruskin University. In her placement year she wanted to find a position that would allow her to use her skill set in a different way than she had previously been exposed to.
Molly was recommended to Aseptika and it was a great fit – being part of a smaller team allowed her to use a mixed skill set to expand her knowledge. She has since graduated with a first class degree and joined the team full time.
Drawing on her experience in UI design, Molly enjoys the different approaches required for all of the different users, from clinicians to children – to people who have never used a phone. Her experience with computer games, which use less text and have intuitive platforms that are user-friendly, helps her when working on projects at Aseptika.

She has been able to put her UI and graphic creation skills to work by creating many printable guides that go out with the devices, showing how to use the technology. She has enjoyed learning and growing in different areas, and she looks forward to overcoming future challenges.
We are very excited to have Molly as part of the team! We know she'll bring a lot to the table, and we can't wait to see what she accomplishes.



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