Health Conditions

Child Asthma

Helping families keep their child’s asthma under control

Asthma affects a growing number of children. Most children have mild symptoms and can manage their asthma with the use of a Reliever inhaler (usually blue in colour).

Other children have severe symptoms and may be at risk of an asthma attack, which can be life-threatening. These children may need to be seen by a paediatrician expert in the treatment of asthma.

It is essential that children with asthma follow their Care Plan closely and take their medications exactly as their doctor has prescribed for them.

Most young children with asthma need to use a metered dose inhaler (cannister type) because they cannot use the dry powder types until they are older.

These types of inhaler should always be used with a spacer.

Supporting your child’s asthma treatment with Asthma+me and Inhaler Dose Counters

Class I Medical Devices available for iOS and Android

The Asthma+me App, PUFFClicker2, and PUFFClicker3 are Class I Medical Devices. They are designed for use at home to support effective asthma control.

Configurable dashboards bring important data to your fingertips to help keep asthma under control, supported by a customisable and printable in-built electronic care plan and PDF reports.

Embedded lessons for parents and carers help the whole family increase their knowledge of asthma and encourage positive behaviour change for better asthma control.

A smaller number of age-appropriate lessons help the child understand more about their asthma.

The Asthma+me App connects to the PUFFClicker2 for pressurised metered dose inhalers (pMDI) for Preventer (Controller) and Reliever (Rescue) inhalers to track use and improve inhaler technique.

For young adults, the PUFFClicker3 allows dose tracking for those transitioning to dry powder inhalers (DPIs).

The child’s lung function is monitored with a SmartOne Peak Flow spirometer.

Case Study: Read how Asthma+me helped a 6-year old with severe asthma avoid a hospital admission. 

Read How

Track & Monitor Medication

Medication Cabinet

Track and monitor the child’s medication: Inhalers, steroids, antibiotics and any medication. Prompts with reminders. Taking medication exactly as prescribed is essential in the successful management of asthma.

Learn More


PUFFClicker Inhaler Dose Counters

There are two versions of the PUFFClicker, PUFFClicker2 for pressurised metered dose inhalers (pMDI) supporting 49 SNOMED codes and the latest IoT PUFFClicker3 supporting both pMDI's and dry powder inhalers (DPI), which includes 101 SNOMED coded inhalers, a world first supporting the highest number of inhalers.

See supported inhalers

The Asthma+me Kit

Pay over 3 months with Klarna
  • Asthma+me App with 12-months subscription.
  • SmartOne Peak Flow monitor.
  • 3x PUFFClickers: Preventer and 2x Reliever (home and for school).
  • Printed colour manual.
  • Start-up telephone and 7-day-per-week technical support.

Order Today

We've cracked it!

Using Asthma+me for 12 months

Jacqueline and Callum use Asthma+me for 12-months to help them better manage Callum's asthma at home.


How Asthma+me has helped support better management of Callum's asthma at home.


Jodie and Oscar in Norfolk manages his Asthma

Jodie and Oscar use Asthma+me to help them better manage Oscar's asthma at home. This is part of a trial of Asthma+me at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital and the James Paget University Hospital in Norfolk. Funded by NHS England's Transformation Directorate.



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